Friday, August 20, 2010

On Summer Reading

This summer I have had a personal goal of reading more and playing video games less. If any of you are in the same boat, here are two brilliant suggestions; from one gamer to another.

Alex Garland, The Beach: It is like Lord of the Flies, except we are not in grade 10, and it is not compulsory reading. Also it is about a select group of backpackers who are trying to re-create Eden [Wow!]. You may have seen the movie, but as with many movies, the book was way better. The Beach weighs in at 439 pages, and is very engaging the whole way through.

Cormac McCarthy, The Road: Father & son survival in a post-apocalyptic America. Also a movie, but I haven't seen it yet. Some people say this is the most important fiction or non-fiction in the past 25 years. I can't come down on one side of the debate, or the other (in that I'm not well informed), but the statement certainly reveals the quality of writing in this novel. The Road weighs in at 256 pages, but you will likely read the ending at least twice.

Yours in switching up addictions,

-C.D. Clements.

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