Friday, May 15, 2009

On Recent Events

I thought I might like to bring you (whoever you are) up to speed on a few events in my recent life. Some are of no consequence, while others are of much.

In chronological order, I have recently:

A) Discovered a green mailbox in a remote location between Cornwall and Ottawa. This discovery was made before lunch, and halfway through a medium long walk on country roads.

B) Graduated from Seminary, and then posed as family members took pictures of me by an orange traffic cone in a parking lot.

C) Ate some oddly textured food. The texture pictured at left is an eggplant curry dish, and the right is a tofu stir fry where the tofu crumbled. Nyssa believes that the eggplant curry resembles diarrhea, and the tofu stir fry resembles baby barf.

D) I have recently made my first call to the Mike Gordon Hotline. Upon calling, you will hear a lengthy pre-recored message by Mike, and then you are invited to leave a message according to specific guidelines. These guidelines can be found at I recommend calling this number on Skype to avoid long distance charges.

- C.D. Clements, M.Div.


Patrick Sutherland said...

I'll admit for a fairly standard blog spot with a logical flow... I am completely lost.

Good work?

Patrick Sutherland said...

Oh and I think I saw that orange pylon in the back of our Biblical Interpretation class. I think it was top of the class.

Rachel Joy said...


J.D. Clements said...

i have mike gordon's t-shirt